Venice Biennale


That`s not all…

But the Venice Biennale isn`t only these exhibitions. For one thing there is Venice itself. And its museums. Don`t miss them as you roam the city`s narrow streets and skip from this canal to that on the vaporetti. The exhibitions that open at the Punta Della Dogana, the Peggy Guggenheim and the Palazzo Grassi at Biennale time, as well as the Prada collection at the Corner Della Regina, are not to be missed.

Indeed, Biennale visitors must have been impressed too because 150,000 of them toured the Turkish pavilion in the first two months. Perhaps because they saw themselves in it, the art world especially was enamored of Erkmen`s sculpture. But Plan B`s main concern of course is Venice. With the canals that give it richness, that brought it power and fame, and to which it literally owes its existence. Today as well they ensure that Venice remains a leading center of tourism. In them circulates the water that is the city`s protector and, slowly rising now, is also becoming its enemy.

Realized with Fiat sponsorship and the support of the Promotion Fund of the Prime Ministry of Turkey under the auspices of Turkish Airlines, and coordinated by the Istanbul Foundation of Culture and Art, the Venice Biennale`s Turkey pavilion is less crowded today than it was in its early days. If you go to the Biennale, be sure to visit this venue, crisscrossed with pipes of red, blue, green and magenta through which water is driven by a constantly humming motor. Perhaps you`ll even be offered a surreptitious drop of distilled Venetian water… Until November 27.


Astrong immune system is the best way to resist the flu, one of winter`s most common ills.

And you can set up your protective shield by living an active life, avoiding stress and maintaining a varied and balanced diet. Start with diet and exercise, because they are the main factors you can modify.

You are what you eat, as they say. To make sure you are getting the energy you need from the proper sources, your plate should include half vegetables, a quarter lean meat and the other quarter homemade yoghurt.

Nature provides the nutrients that supply human needs. You should, for example, eat 5 to 9 servings a day of the nutrients that give color to fruits and vegetables since they enhance protection against bacteria and viruses. Pomegranates, kiwi and citrus among the fruits, and celery, pumpkin, carrots, red pepper, red cabbage, onions, garlic, spinach, chard, radishes, broccoli and cauliflower among the vegetables should be consumed frequently in winter. Natural antibiotics onion and garlic especially should be consumed in large quantities, if possible by swallowing a clove of garlic every morning.

The liver and intestines, which metabolize the nutrients as well as cleansing the body, are the virtual bastion of the immune system, and should be reinforced by special cures. Keep yours in shipshape as winter approaches by mixing 10 stalks of flat leaf parsley and the juice of half a lemon in a glass of water and drinking it regularly twice a week on an empty stomach for liver health. To enrich the intestinal flora and prevent constipation, make use of probiotics.

You can simply take advantage of the probiotic yoghurt and dairy products, muesli, kephir, pickles, traditional homemade yoghurt, boza (a fermented millet drink) and apple vinegar that are available on the market. To increase your fiber intake, have some fresh or dried jujubes, pears, apples, apricots or prunes and a cup of herbal tea as an in-between meal snack.

Don`t neglect your protein sources either, but be sure to choose lean ones. The amino acids that are the building blocks of proteins foster the basic health of cells and develop the immune system. Choose things like white meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dried legumes and soy-based products that are free of saturated fats.

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